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Helpful Tips for a Happy Honeymoon

A honeymoon is meant to be a blissful time for you & your new spouse. Still, between jetlag, lugging around your suitcase, & trying to stick to a budget, traveling can be somewhat stressful. Don't let any potential tension get in the way of your luxury vacation.

Use these tips to help you plan a stress-free getaway:

A strategic suitcase Of course, less is always more when it comes to packing for your honeymoon – after the necessities. Balance is the key, as bringing too many items will be an inconvenience while leaving behind your favorite walking shoes or your go-to outfit for a dinner out will force you to find something at your destination. One of the best ways to ensure you pack practically is to bring specific outfits for each day, keeping in mind any special outings you have planned. Remember that if you stick to the same color scheme & bring along a lot of versatile neutrals, you'll have a lot more flexibility because you can mix & match your apparel.

Turn off the technology Now is the time to go off the grid. Constantly checking your phone, email & posting photos to social media distracts you both from being in the moment. So make sure to unplug as much as you can. In fact, leave your tablets & laptops in the room & limit your Internet use by keeping your phone in airplane mode. It might even be helpful to set some boundaries that you both abide by, like only going online before breakfast or after dinner. Remember, a honeymoon is a once in a lifetime experience, so savor every second.

Splurge wisely There are certain things that are worth going all out on your honeymoon, so factor that in when you budget. For example, one really unforgettable dinner at a gourmet restaurant or a couples massage at the resort spa can make a big difference in making the vacation feel special. Just don't get carried away. Know which things are truly important to your experience, like a room with an ocean view, & which are unnecessary, like valet parking. All inclusive travel is always a good idea because it helps to prevent any surprises in terms of costs. You'll both relax & enjoy yourselves a lot more when you don't have to worry about the bill for every single meal & other expense.


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